1.In other words, you could use something very close to this same function against objects that never derived from XML.
2.You can route different events to different functions or to the same function.
3.It appears that this red beard was present, at another riot, the Quenisset affair, entrusted with this same function.
4.RVM to support vector machines with the same function form of sparse probabilistic model to predict the unknown function, or classification.
5.In the case of OLE DB and ODBC these will always be the same as they are mapped to the same function call in the underlying native API.
6.This switch performs the same function as the Rebuild Solution menu command within the integrated development environment (IDE).
7.Compared to the conventional structure, the number of circuit elements is decreased greatly for the same function.
8.Named and variadic parameters can be used in the same function, simply by placing the variadic ellipsis after the list of named parameters.
9.Listing 5 shows the same function, but with its options specified via a dictionary, rather than with variadic parameters.
10.Because editNote takes the id value of the appropriate p, the same function can be used for any note, as seen in Figure 5.